Sunday, December 6, 2009

Duit Century = 67 X Duit Buat Gempa Sumbar

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Uang senilai 6,7 triliun yang digunakan untuk dana talangan Bank Century, rupanya sangat besar untuk dibayangkan. Dibandingkan dengan dana darurat gempa Sumatra Barat yang hanya 100 miliar, berarti dibutuhkan gempa sebanyak 67 kali untuk bisa menyamakan dana itu.

Dalam diskusi yang diselenggarakan di Sekretariat PB HMI Jalan Diponegoro, Jakarta, Minggu (29/11). Pengamat Politik dan aktivis Partai Golkar Indra J Piliang mengemukakan perbandingannya tersebut.

“Bandingkan dengan dana darurat gempa Sumatera Barat yang hanya 100 miliar, sementara dana talangan untuk Bank Century 6,7 triliun. Jadi, perlu 67 kali gempa 7,6 SR, ribuan rumah runtuh dan korban jiwa. Jika gempa itu terjadi sebulan sekali maka perlu 6 tahun untuk menyamainya,” ujar Indra yang disambut gelak tawa dan tepuk riuh hadirin.

Di tempat yang sama budayawan Soeparwan Parikesit menimpali pernyataan Indra. Ia mengatakan jika begitu dana talangan bank Century lebih dahsyat dari bom atom di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki. "Ini lebih dahsyat dari bom atom," ujarnya menambah gelak tawa.

Tidak mau kalah, Indra mengatakan jika digambarkan dengan pecahan uang seribu, uang 6,7 triliun ini bisa untuk mengelilingi bumi dan bulan beberapa kali.

“Uang sebesar ini bukanlah hal main-main. Seperti namanya kasus bank centuy ini bisa jadi the end of century (akhir abad). Skandal BLBI adalah skandal abad yang lalu, dan skandal Bank Century adalah skandal terbesar abad ini,” pungkasnya. [bar]

American Express takes aim at PayPal with Revolution

WASHINGTON — With its deal to buy Revolution Money, American Express is taking aim at the growing market for online and alternative payments, in a challenge to recognized leader PayPal, analysts say.
The financial services giant announced plans Wednesday to buy the Web payments firm started in 2005 by Internet firm AOL founder Steve Case, with the purchase price set at 300 million dollars.
Analysts say AmEx is most interested in the so-called peer-to-peer services of Revolution, which enables low-cost money transfers among individuals and businesses.
"I think it's a challenge to PayPal, but it's more than that," said Ed Kountz, an analyst who follows financial technologies at Forrester Research.
"AmEx is positioning themselves for more effective innovation, and for the next generation customer."
Kountz said a variety of new technologies are emerging for person-to-person and alternative payments, but that few companies have been able to get the critical mass with both consumers and merchants to gain a foothold.
PayPal, a unit of eBay, has been able to dominate in this area but Google Checkout has struggled, say analysts.
Kountz said the market is growing with younger customers looking for convenient ways to make person-to-person transactions without cash, and with credit card usage hurt by the financial crisis.
"People are feeling greater comfort with cashless transactions," said Kountz.
Revolution also aims to compete against traditional credit card firms by handling payments at a lower fee.
Joe Weisenthal at the online analysis site Business Insider said Revolution is "frequently described as a PayPal killer," but has been unable to grow during the financial crisis.
The action by AmEx comes with PayPal expanding its offerings with new ways to transfer money using mobile phones or social networks like Facebook.
Revolution "offers a unique card that seems to blend the idea of traditional credit and debit cards with Internet-based payments along the lines of PayPal and Google's service," said Jim Kim of the financial technology website FierceFinanceIT. "We'll see how the other big boys react."
Kountz said AmEx and Revolution "looks like a good marriage, but the proof will be in the delivery."
Florida-based Revolution Money sprung from the venture capital group led by Case, with the mission "to drive transformative change by shifting power to consumers," according to the group.
American Express hopes to close the deal in early 2010 subject to regulatory approval.
"New payments products and platforms are evolving rapidly and it's important for us to keep identifying cutting edge technologies that can extend our leadership beyond the traditional payments arena," said Kenneth Chenault, chairman and chief executive officer of American Express in announcing the deal.
"While Revolution Money is a young and relatively small company, we believe it has big potential," Chenault said.
"This is a smart, nimble business. It's run by an accomplished management team who have quickly developed some cutting edge e-payment offerings," he said. "Joining with American Express will help unlock their potential, while allowing us to deliver competitive online payment products more rapidly and efficiently."

How to make money for Paypal/anything $$$ Best way, FASTEST way!

Hey guys, and here i'm gonna show you the BEST and FASTEST way to make money for your paypal, or anything you like!


Is a PTC. Means pay to click

Its a site, where u get 5 advertisments every day!

and u get payed, 1 cent per click. 5 cent a day don't seem like much. Once you get .25, you buy 3 referrals.


What are they?

They are other people that are doing the same thing your doing! Therefore, they get 5 cents everyday, and u get 50% of the profits, if they do it everyday.

so 3 x 2.5 = 7.5 cents per day, + your 5 cents = 12 cents a day. not bad? the referrals only last 7 days, sorry to burst your bubble. If they aren't active, you can re-cycle your referral for new ones, if they aren't active ( clicking 5 advertisments everyday) then oh well. But most of the time they should be, and you should be too!

You can also have others be your referrals too

here is the link to the site

I hope you can be my referral as i helped you to come to this site*****rsbotftw


Click on the link ^ and sign up for Neobux. It is a fast process too!

If you have any questions please post below!

Remember to stay active. or your account will be suspended.


Post below and i'll get back to you!